Friday, January 21, 2005


**Clears throat**

Hey hey,
Just getting this up and running . . . **stares off to the right to think of what to say**. We'll see how this works, eh?

I am on vacation, and it was gorgeous weather so I got to ride my bike today. It's amazing how much you can feel the slightest hill on a bike. I huffed and I puffed up a hill--whose grade I could hardly see. And then I had to go on a dirt path next to the road, since the two inch shoulders on the 55 mph roads in this town are not quite ideal for bikes! The dirt road had a very noticable hill, but I learned the virtues of standing up and leaning forward on a bike. And the way down was glorious, let me tell you!

The other day I went to the Mojave area and took some pictures of Joshua Trees. I have been wanting to do this for a while! Just like I want to take pictures of good freeway overpasses. I'm trying to get some of my pics up here.

Welcome, welcome to the wonderful world of blogging! I look forward to the products of all your spare CPU cycles.
My dearest Sazzly!!! Welcome to blogdom. I can't wait to read more. No pressure, though. =)
Welcome!!! Glad you have a blog now. I was just thinking about you the other day, and wondering how you were doing. Looking forward to reading more! =D
And whenever you figure out how to post pics, let me know. =)
Mayah heeee, mayah hooo, mayah haaaa, mayah ha ha
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